New Community Police Commissioners Sworn In
All 13 Commissioners officially sworn in and will undergo training in New Year
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022 – Cleveland – All 13 members of Cleveland’s new Community Police Commission have now been officially sworn in. This dissolves the Commission established by the Consent Decree in 2015 and replaces it with the reformed Commission passed by voters last November through Issue 24.
Law Director Mark Griffin administered the new commissioners’ oath of office in several ceremonies over the past two weeks, following their approval and appointment by Cleveland City Council earlier this month.
Under oath, each commissioner declared that they will faithfully, honestly, and impartially discharge the duties of the Community Police Commission, officially finalizing the formation of one of the strongest bodies of its kind in the nation.
"In our first year, we made police reform a top priority – and the stage is set for the new Commission to hit the ground running in 2023,” Mayor Justin M. Bibb said.
The Commission has the authority to review police discipline and policies and is expected to turn its focus on training and operational priorities, starting with establishing bylaws, selecting a Chair, and nominating an Executive Director as its first order of business.
Training proposed for the new commissioners is intended to be delivered in partnership with the framers of Issue 24, senior leadership from the Cleveland Division of Police, and experts in civilian oversight. Topics will elevate the voices of victims’ families and educate commissioners on General Police Orders and experiences on the frontlines of policing in Cleveland.
Under the Consent Decree, the new Commission replaces the existing one effective immediately. It will be allocated a new budget in 2023, which will include a grant-making budget of at least 0.5% of the budget for the Division of Police. Current Commission staff will remain in place to ensure a smooth transition until the new Commission makes hiring decisions.
Their first meeting has not yet been scheduled but is expected early in the new year.
2022 Cleveland Community Police Commissioners
Dr. John Adams, 4-year term
Shandra Benito, 2-year term
James M. Chura, 4-year term
Charles Donaldson Jr., 4-year term
Pastor Kyle Earley, 2-year term
Alana Garrett-Ferguson, 4-year term
Cait Kennedy, 2-year term
Gregory Reaves, 2-year term
Jan Ridgeway, 4-year term
Piet van Lier, 4-year term
Audrianna Rodriguez, 4-year term
Teri Wang, 2-year term
Sharena Zayed, 2-year term