Mayor Bibb announces three appointments to Civilian Police Review Board
October 18, 2022 – Cleveland – Today, Mayor Justin M. Bibb announced that Brandon E. Brown and Billy Sharp were selected and sworn in as new members of the Civilian Police Review Board (CPRB).
Brown and a current member, Kenneth Mountcastle, were appointed to four-year terms ending in August 2026. Sharp’s appointment fills a vacancy on the CPRB for a term that runs through December 20, 2025.
These appointments make the CPRB fully staffed with nine members, five appointed by the mayor and four appointed by Cleveland City Council.
The CPRB can receive, cause investigation of, review, and recommend resolutions for non-criminal administrative complainants against Cleveland Division of Police (CDP) personnel.
Members of the CPRB have a unique role as public servants with respect to reviewing the conduct of CDP employees. The community, government, and law enforcement have entrusted members of the CPRB to conduct their work in a professional, fair, and impartial manner.
Investigations of alleged police misconduct are conducted by the Office of Professional Standards (OPS). The OPS reports directly to the CPRB, and the CPRB reviews the investigations completed by the OPS. Following an OPS investigation, the CPRB holds a public hearing and recommends an administrative resolution for each of the complaints per City of Cleveland Charter Section 115, which governs the CPRB and OPS.
About the new appointees:
Brandon E. Brown, Esq. is currently an Associate at Calfee, Halter, & Griswold LLP. Admitted to the Ohio State Bar in November 2017, Brandon was born and raised in Cleveland and lives in the North Collinwood neighborhood of Ward 8.
Brandon believes in public service and the role the citizens of this city can play in administering justice for the community and the officers that protect it. A former City of Cleveland Law Department employee, he has experience understanding and evaluating officer-involved complaints.
Prior to his work in the law department, Brandon served as a clerk in the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office.
Brandon is committed to serving the community. He is a board member of the May Dugan Center, a 3Rs volunteer instructor, chair of the Louis Stokes Scholars Program and a coach for both the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Moot Court Team and the John Hay Early College Mock Trial Team. He is also 1st Vice President of the Norman S. Minor Bar Association.
Billy Sharp is human resources manager for Ledwidge GP Management DBA McDonald's. He is also the founder of Billy Sharp OmniMedia, a company that provides consulting, works with publicists, and sells books, documentaries and educational materials.
A former candidate for Ohio House District 10, Billy continues to work to change our community. He was the executive director of The Straightway Project and worked to bring resources to the Glenville community.
Billy has also served the community through the City of Cleveland’s Summer Lunch Program, Computer Training for Seniors, Adult Literacy Program, Youth Basketball and Cheerleading Programs.
Earlier in his career, Billy worked for the City of Cleveland in the Division of Parks and Recreation. He then went to work in the private sector as a top management administrator in the fast-food industry, for businesses including McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s, where he continued to help low-income residents build skills for an ever-changing job market.
Billy is an active volunteer and has held leadership positions for many community-based organizations, including the Urban League of Greater Cleveland GUILD, MGU, Ohio Young Black Democrats Northeast Ohio Chapter, Cleveland Stonewall Democrats and Organizing for Action - Cleveland Chapter.