Cleveland City Hall

Mayor Bibb Announces Cabinet Structure Changes, Bradford Davy Named Chief of Staff


Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022 — Cleveland — Today, Mayor Justin M. Bibb announced leadership changes to the Office of the Mayor. In early 2023, Bradford Davy will become the Mayor’s Chief of Staff.  

Since the Bibb Administration took office in January 2022, Davy has served as Chief Strategy Officer and supported the Mayor and Cabinet to establish a sweeping agenda for change.  

“Over the last year, Chief Davy has led the charge on our first 100-day agenda and managed a number of my administration’s long-term priorities, including overseeing the Center for Economic Recovery’s strategic investments of ARPA funding, driving master planning efforts for Cleveland’s lakefront and Highland Golf Course, and supporting ongoing efforts to address the lead crisis,” Mayor Bibb said. “He is collaborative, decisive, and the right person to help me lead the team moving forward.”  

With Davy as the Mayor’s second-in-command, the City can expect increased coordination, more efficient decision-making, and streamlined communication both internally and externally. As Chief of Staff, Davy will manage the day-to-day work of the Cabinet and coordinate the execution of the Mayor’s priorities and strategies across City departments.  

"We have grown immensely as a team in our first year," Chief Davy said. “We’ve done great things together and made changes after every bump along the way. In that spirit, Mayor Bibb is always looking for new and better ways to serve Cleveland residents. I am honored by the faith placed in me by the Mayor and humbled by the opportunity to serve the community I call home.” 

Chief Government Affairs Officer Ryan Puente will retain his current title and serve as Deputy Chief of Staff with a focus on external engagement. In his new role, Puente will oversee the administration’s legislative agenda, lead engagement with key government and non-government constituencies and lead the federal, state, and philanthropic fundraising efforts for the City. 

After a year of driving administrative change within City Hall, Chief Administrative Officer Elise Hara Auvil is resigning from the administration.  

“My team is where it’s at today because we relied on Chief Auvil’s extensive government, HR, and Legal experience,” said Mayor Bibb. “Building teams from scratch, restructuring complex processes, hammering down on operational efficiencies—Elise’s skillset was critical to laying a strong foundation in our first year. My team and I are better prepared to lead Cleveland as a result of Chief Auvil’s work.”