Police Cars

City Seeks Firm to Deliver Customized Training Program to New Police Commissioners


Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022 – Cleveland – Today, the City of Cleveland released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to develop a custom training program for members of the new Community Police Commission (CPC). 

“The administration is moving forward to fully implement Charter Section 115-5 and part of that is ensuring that new Commissioners are committed to our culture of safety, service and accountability,” Mayor Justin M. Bibb said. “Cleveland will be a national leader as we implement the most progressive police reform program in the country.” 

Under Charter Section 115-5, formerly known as Issue 24, Commissioners are empowered with new powers and duties including drafting rules, establishing bias screening procedures, performing audits, making grants, assessing civilian complaints, understanding subpoenas, holding hearings, reviewing data, making high-stake judgements, maintaining confidentiality of sensitive information and implementing discipline. 

The customized training program delivered by an independent firm will help Commissioners understand the numerous powers and duties outlined in Charter Section 115-5 and give them skills and tools they need to serve our neighbors and to make decisions about police recruitment, training and discipline. 

The City’s first Chief Ethics Officer Delanté Spencer Thomas, Esq., has overseen the rigorous, two-phase selection and vetting process, and preparations are underway as the administration seeks to launch the new CPC in the coming months.   

“In preparation for the establishment of the new CPC, the City is seeking to partner with a firm experienced in training programs for civilian oversight to provide technical assistance to appointed members and ensure a smooth transition once launched,” Chief Thomas said. 

Responses to the Request for Qualification are due on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, by 11:59 p.m. 

The full RFQ can be found here: RFPs/RFQs: Community Police Commission Training | City of Cleveland (clevelandohio.gov).