Burke Lakefront Airport

City of Cleveland releases RFP to analyze the economic impact of Burke Airport and of potential alternate development


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022 — Cleveland — The City of Cleveland is seeking a consultant to conduct an economic development analysis of Burke Lakefront Airport. The goal of the analysis is to quantify the current economic impact of Burke as well as the potential future economic impact of potentially closing the airport and using the land in alternative ways. 

“We will ask the consultant to consider a range of impact, such as jobs, tax benefits, property value, and business revenue,” said Cleveland’s Chief Integrated Development Officer Jeff Epstein. “This will give us a clear understanding of the airport’s economic benefit as well as how other potential uses of the land might benefit the City.” 

The analysis will consider a range of options for alternate development of the current airport, from a 445-acre park to mixed-use development at maximum density.  

“By conducting a thorough economic impact analysis we can make data-informed, thoughtful decisions to ensure best use of our lakefront property,” said Mayor Justin M. Bibb, who has identified embracing the lakefront as an administrative priority.  

This RFP is the second lakefront-specific solicitation by Mayor Bibb’s Integrated Development team in recent weeks. The RFP for a community-based, comprehensive North Coast Lakefront Master Plan was issued in late September and is currently in the process of selecting a consultant.  

The Mayor also recently announced a series of town halls to listen to community ideas about how to better connect people to the City’s North Coast, the first of which is today at City Hall beginning at 5 p.m.  

The proposal submission deadline is Dec. 9, 2022. The analysis is expected to be complete by May 2023. 

The full request for proposals (RFP) is available on the City’s website