Administration Asks Councilmembers to Commit to RISE Plan; Requests Support from Council and Residents to Enhance Public Safety Efforts
Wednesday, August 2, 2023 — Cleveland — During today’s Safety Committee meeting, officials from the administration called on councilmembers to commit to Mayor Justin M. Bibb’s Raising Investment in Safety for Everyone (RISE) Initiative by sharing the plan with residents in their respective ward.
Mayor Bibb’s RISE Initiative is the most comprehensive violence reduction and law enforcement enhancement plan the City of Cleveland has ever seen. RISE is a portfolio of multiple strategic investments, partnerships, enforcement efforts, and technology championed by Mayor Bibb and his administration aimed at curtailing violent crime and improving overall public safety. The RISE Initiative includes multiple new investments and partnerships announced within the last two weeks and led by several members of the administration.
City officials asked councilmembers to help promote participation in SAFE SMART CLE – the City’s camera-sharing access program that falls under RISE – to their residents and local businesses. The number of residents who registered their home cameras has increased to over 150 cameras, more than doubling since the administration announced expansion of the program four weeks ago. Participation in the program is free, quick, and can easily be done online.
Officials also stressed the importance of the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to councilmembers and asked they make a concerted effort to push that messaging to their residents. That messaging includes calling 911 for emergencies, reporting illegal or suspicious activity to law enforcement, and submitting tips to CrimeStoppers – which can be done anonymously online or by calling (216)-25-CRIME. The administration asked councilmembers to reiterate these key points to residents via their ward newsletters, on their social media accounts, and at community meetings.
Beyond camera sharing and safety messaging, the administration is asking councilmembers to consistently push out information related to public safety job openings in the City, encourage their residents to apply, and advocate for the rewarding career experience these opportunities offer.
Councilmembers play a crucial role in disseminating information to residents at the hyper local level. They’re tasked with bringing their communities’ concerns to the administration and, equally as important, with bringing information about the administration’s plans, programs, and services to their communities – so that residents know how they can contribute and actively be a part of making Cleveland a safer city for all.